Overview Of CME Requirements for Florida Mediators

Total CME: 16 hours
Ethics: 4 hours
Renewal Period: 2 Years


Guide To Renewing Your Florida Mediator Certification

Mediator Course Catalog | 16 hr CME Course Packages

General Renewal Information

Certified circuit civil and county mediators need 16 hours of CME credits every two years which must include; 4 hours of mediator ethics, 2 hours of domestic violence, and 1 hour of diversity/cultural awareness training. Certified family and dependency mediators need 16 hours of CME credits every two years which must include; 4 hours of mediator ethics, 4 hours of domestic violence, and 1 hour of diversity/cultural awareness training. Certified appellate mediators need 4 hours of specific appellate mediation education, which maybe a part of, or in addition to the required 16 hours of CME.

Certification CME Hrs Ethics DV CD AP
County 16 4 2 1 0
Circuit 16 4 2 1 0
Family 16 4 4 1 0
Dependency 16 4 4 1 0
Appellate         4

DV - Domestic violence, CD - Cultural/Diversity awareness, AP - Appellate

Mediators who are certified in more than one area must complete 16 hours of CME applicable to each of their areas of certification. Hours completed may be utilized toward more than one area of certification if the subject matter is relevant to each field of certification. For example, courses on such topics as mediator ethics, domestic violence, and general mediation skills may be credited to any or all of the areas of certification.

What is a CME?

The purpose of Continuing Mediator Education (CME) shall be to enhance the participant's professional competence as a mediator. A CME hour is defined as 50 minutes.

CME may be earned in any of the following formats
• attending a live lecture or seminar
• attendance at an internet based presentation
• listening to or viewing an audio or video presentation of a lecture or seminar with a group, and participating in a discussion of the materials presented
• listening to or viewing audio or video presentations
• serving as a mentor pursuant to rule 10.100, Florida Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators
• lecturing or teaching CME courses
• authoring or editing written materials submitted for publication that have significant intellectual or practical content directly related to the practice of mediation; and
• successfully completing a self-directed program that is qualified for continuing education credit by a governmental licensing board
• Note that as of November 1st, 2021 the requirement for 50 percent live CME hours have been removed.

CME Reporting Requirements

Mediators must maintain proof of attendance at CME programs and must report their CME at the end of each two-year renewal cycle. CME attendance is subject to audit. In addition, the mediator must certify that he or she has read the current Florida mediation rules; Chapter 44, Florida Statutes; and other relevant statutes.

Renewal Application

Mediators should complete their CME requirements and submit their renewal application with the appropriate fees at least 60 days prior to the expiration of their certification date. Renewal forms may be obtained from the Dispute Resolution Center (DRC) in Tallahassee.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do I renew my mediator certification?

Your mediator certification must be renewed every 2 years.

Will the DRC notify me when my renewal is due?

Usually the DRC will notify you via email prior to the renewal date of your certification. You are required to maintain an accurate email address with the DRC.

How much does it cost to renew my certification?

Certification Renewal fees
County $40*
Circuit $150
Family $150
Dependency $100
Appellate $100
  In a addition to a $20 application fee, there is a $25 discount for renewing multiple certification levels, when filed simultaneously. * The county fees are never discounted. However, the county renewal fee will be waived upon written confirmation from the ADR Program Director, that the mediator served as a volunteer in the county court mediation program a minimum of six times during the prior certification period.


What to do if I allowed my certification to lapse?

According to the renewal fees section of the ADR Resource Handbook; mediators whose certification have lapsed less than 365 days, may renew their certification by paying non-refundable application fee of $20, a late fee (based on the chart below), and completing the required CME courses. After 365 days, applicants will be required to meet the requirements for certification as a new mediator.

Days Lapsed Late Fee
Up to 180  2X Renewal fee
>180 to 365 5X Renewal fee, Max $750
> 365 Must meet requirements as a new mediator

Can I obtain an extension of my renewal?
Contact the DRC directly to discuss a possible 90 day extension. You will be required to submit your renewal application with the appropriate fees. If you are missing CME hours it is possible that the DRC will give you a 90 day extension to comply.

Do I have to attend a live seminar to comply with the 50% live CME rule?

No. As of November 1st, 2021 the requirement for 50 percent live CME hours have been removed. Attendance at a traditional live seminar is just one way of obtaining live format CME hours. CME may be earned in any of the following formats:
• attending a live lecture or seminar;
• participating in Internet presentations;
• listening to or viewing an audio or video presentation of a lecture or seminar with a group, and participating in a discussion of the materials presented;
• listening to or viewing audio or video presentations;
• serving as a mentor pursuant to rule 10.100, Florida Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators;
• lecturing or teaching CME courses;
• authoring or editing written materials submitted for publication that have significant intellectual or practical content directly related to the practice of mediation; and
• successfully completing a self-directed program that is qualified for continuing education credit by a governmental licensing board.

Where do I find the official rules governing the renewal of certification of Florida mediators?

Florida Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators rules 10.100, 10.105 and 10.110, Chapter 44, of the Florida Statutes, and The administrative order No. AOSC11-1, Nov 1, 2021.

Do CLE courses count as CME?

You should generally ask yourself; did the CLE course enhance my skills/knowledge as a mediator, or is it geared toward making me a better lawyer? For example, a course on Florida Family Law would be beneficial to a mediator; however a course on Litigation Skills would make a better lawyer, but not necessairly enhance your skills/knowledge as a mediator. Therefore that CLE course would not be acceptable for CME credits.

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